Adding “contrib” Extensions to MacPorts PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is my database of choice. The main reason is that a standard distribution comes with just about everything one could ask for in a free RDBMS, and if what you want isn’t already installed, it’s often in the “contrib” directory. In particular, now that I’m doing a lot of iOS development, and location awareness is a big part of mobile apps, it’s useful to be able to work with coordinates. PostgreSQL does this using the cube data type and earthdistance functions, both in “contrib”. Read More

Web Roulette 1.0.1 is on the App Store

Apple approved the 1.0.1 update to Web Roulette earlier this week. It fixes a potential crash when submitting links back to us and addresses a UI glitch on the “about” screen.

One interesting statistic from the first couple weeks of sales is that iPad users are the large majority of daily users. It’s hard (impossible?) to say if this is because there is less competition in the iPad part of the App Store or if people prefer to use a web-centric app like Web Roulette on an iPad.